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Triple P-Primary Care
If your child has a particular behaviour problem that is making family life more difficult than it should be, then Primary Care Triple P can help. Primary Care Triple P gives guidance that is tailored to help you with specific issues. Caregivers will have 4 sessions than can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
Primary Care Triple P
Love and Logic
Love and Logic® utilizes story-telling, humor, hope and empathy to build the adult-child relationship. These techniques emphasize respect and dignity both for children and adults. Love and Logic® provides real limits in a loving way while teaching consequences and healthy decision. Love and Logic® teaches how to set limits without waging war while avoiding power struggles along the way.
Love and Logic Early Childhood (0-6 yrs)
Parenting the Love and Logic Way (7-14 yrs)
Circle of Security
This relationship based early intervention program is designed to enhance attachment security between parents and children. This evidence based program has been proven to increase successful attachment between adult and child, thereby building stronger relationships and easing struggles with discipline. The Circle of Security combines video-based learning with group discussions.
Circle of Security
Baby and Me
Baby & Me offers opportunities to talk about your baby’s development and first milestones, fun activities and hear about community supports through invited guest speakers.
Baby and Me
Dads Discover
What Does It Mean To Be An Involved Father?
How Do I Connect With My Child?
How Can You Make Time With Your Kids Count?
Dads Discover
Active Parenting: First Five Years
Active Parenting programs empower families by providing parents with the skills to help their children survive and thrive in our changing world. Active Parenting in a parent education program that emphasizes non-violent discipline, mutual respect, and open communication.
Active Parenting: 0-5 yrs
Active Parenting: Cooperative Parenting and Divorce
This program helps divorcing parents shield their children from parental conflict. Over 8 sessions, parents learn to guide their children through the process of recovery while establishing a positive, long-term, cooperative relationship with the other parent.
Active Parenting: Cooperative Parenting and Divorce
Parenting Young Youth
Can’t understand your pre-teen or youth and don’t know what to do?
Leave the program with a positive change in your life, the youth and your home!
Parenting Young Youth
Upcoming Classes:
Please call the office for information on upcoming classes 780-830-0920 or follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the most up to date information.
Please give our office a call if you would like to be referred to any of these programs: 780-830-0920
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